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“A library outranks any other one thing a community can do to benefit its people. It is a never-failing spring in the desert.” Andrew Carnegie

Libraries lie at the core of our endeavours, serving as the bedrock for our mission to cultivate lasting change within the Nigerian populace. Our vision encompasses a nation that not only achieves academic excellence but also fosters a cultural appreciation for self-driven learning, recognising its potential to build, support and empower communities.  

A compelling manifestation of our principles is evident in our community library located at 196 Awolowo Road, Ikoyi, Lagos State. This dynamic space vividly showcases the transformative power that a library wields through its literature, resources, and the invaluable connections it facilitates, all of which profoundly impact self-driven learning. Within its walls, we bear witness to the remarkable way in which the library nurtures a spirit of autonomy, curiosity, and continuous personal growth for independent learners.

In addition to our community library, we have established 34 in-school libraries and 19 libraries within custodial centres.

Community Library

In-School Libraries

Nigerian Correctional Centre Libraries